Tuesday, June 4, 2013

2013 Miss Washington County Pageant

The Queen pageant was really neat this year.  Haylee was able to participate.  She chose her platform to be a continuation of her cousin Mandy's platform, Leave a Legacy of Kindness.  This is perfect for Haylee because she is so cute and sweet.  She was awarded Miss Spirit of the Pageant which is really cool because it went right along with her platform.  She gets to participate in most of the royalty's appearances and responsibilities.  She is excited and had a great time.  We were really excited for her.  2012 Miss Toquerville, Danielle Harris, was crowned 2nd Attendant.  She was awesome!
There were 8 contestants

2013 Miss Washington County Royalty

2012 Miss Washington County Kelby Tyler, she judged Jessica's pageant

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