Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tami Young Photography photo shoot

The girls had the opportunity to visit Tami Young Photography.  She took some shots of the girls in her studio and then we went outside.  The pictures turned out really well!  Tami is very talented.  Her facebook page is Young Photography if you want to see her work.  She lives in Toquerville.  Thanks so much Tami!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Craft project!

Can you guess what they are making?  This is part of their costume for their float.  I really don't want to reveal too much because we really have a great idea and don't want it to be copied ;).  
The girls were able to do a photo session with Tami Young of Young Photography.  If you have  facebook, check out her page.  She is very talented.  I am so excited to get the pictures back.  After, we were able to have the girls come back to our house to make these.  It was fun having the girls get together.  
They will be performing next week at the Toquerville City Independence Day Celebration.  They will be singing a cute song and also doing games and a dunking booth for the kids.  Hope to see ya there!  Remember if you have a cute little princess in your family, have her find a member of the Toquerville Royalty and they will have a crown for her to wear.  




Thursday, June 20, 2013

Washington County Fair Princess Tea

Every year the fair board holds a luncheon for the princesses in the county to give them their assignments for the fair.  This year Toquerville gets to help log home arts and also judge the baby contest!  That is so super fun!  Kimberly Harris is the county director over all the princesses and she made the tea meeting really fun and super yummy!  Kim Pope got the cute maxi dresses for the girls.  I think they all look super cute.  Since Haylee is in the Washington County Fair royalty, she was there too.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Beauty of Toquerville calendar

We are printing the "Beauty of Toquerville" calendar again this year.  Please submit up to 4 photos per photographer of the sites and images you think make Toquerville beautiful to  The calendars will be delivered in November and cost $10.  You can make a pre-order at the city office or watch for any of the royalty at the city celebrations throughout the summer.  New this year is an advertisement page where we will be accepting sponsors.  This will also give the calendar owners easy access to your contact information.  Please consider supporting the Toquerville Royalty that way also!

2013 Miss Washington County Pageant

The Queen pageant was really neat this year.  Haylee was able to participate.  She chose her platform to be a continuation of her cousin Mandy's platform, Leave a Legacy of Kindness.  This is perfect for Haylee because she is so cute and sweet.  She was awarded Miss Spirit of the Pageant which is really cool because it went right along with her platform.  She gets to participate in most of the royalty's appearances and responsibilities.  She is excited and had a great time.  We were really excited for her.  2012 Miss Toquerville, Danielle Harris, was crowned 2nd Attendant.  She was awesome!
There were 8 contestants

2013 Miss Washington County Royalty

2012 Miss Washington County Kelby Tyler, she judged Jessica's pageant