Friday, May 17, 2013

Relay For Life

Tonight is the Relay For Life.  The Toquerville Royalty did not have time to set up a team and the Miss Hurricane team was short on members so we jumped in with them.  The Hurricane Royalty were very sweet to let us join with them.  They had chosen a Monsters, Inc. theme.  Jessica is not excited to have to stay up all night.  Hahaha  She is a girl who needs her sleep.  If you have never been involved in a Relay For Life, consider joining us next year.  It is a great opportunity for the girls to contribute to a great cause and get to know each other a little more.  I have had a blast every year I went.  Last year it was super windy.  This year the forecast shows rain.  I guess bring ponchos?  If you have a desire to donate, please go to Relay For Life- Hurricane Utah.  You can donate behave of Jessica or I.  Have a great day and tonight, remember the ones in your lives who cancer has affected.

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