Thursday, May 23, 2013

Little girls

Today we received our package.

These are the cute little hair comb crowns that the Toquerville Royalty is going to give out to little girls when they come up to them and say hi.  So...... if you have a little girl make sure she looks for the Toquerville Royalty.  They can be found at the Miss Washington County Pageant on Saturday, June 1st.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The old lady wins!!!!

All of the Toquerville Royalty fell asleep but not the OLD mamma!  I made it all night but at the expense of what?  You will have to ask the girls that one.  Here are some snaps!
Jess chose a  crown with a J!

McKinlye painting faces!
Oh ya girls can climb!

Monsters, Inc. theme

Thank you so much Hurricane Royalty for letting us join you!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Relay For Life

Tonight is the Relay For Life.  The Toquerville Royalty did not have time to set up a team and the Miss Hurricane team was short on members so we jumped in with them.  The Hurricane Royalty were very sweet to let us join with them.  They had chosen a Monsters, Inc. theme.  Jessica is not excited to have to stay up all night.  Hahaha  She is a girl who needs her sleep.  If you have never been involved in a Relay For Life, consider joining us next year.  It is a great opportunity for the girls to contribute to a great cause and get to know each other a little more.  I have had a blast every year I went.  Last year it was super windy.  This year the forecast shows rain.  I guess bring ponchos?  If you have a desire to donate, please go to Relay For Life- Hurricane Utah.  You can donate behave of Jessica or I.  Have a great day and tonight, remember the ones in your lives who cancer has affected.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Thought I would share a few shots of the girls that I took after the City Council Meeting.  Keep in mind I am NO photographer and that my camera is only 6 mega pixels and I can't remember how old it is (which means old).


This is so super fun!

Friday, May 10, 2013

City Council meeting

The City Council meeting was on Thursday, May 9th.  The girls were able to introduce themselves and also get a fundraiser approved.  Jessica was able to ask the City Council to approve the city calendar project as their fundraiser.  They did the same fundraiser in 2011 and they earned $1000 profit.  That will contribute to the budget for the float and pageant tremendously.  The girls then had a photo shoot with a local lady that wasn't home ;(.  Good thing I brought MY camera.  I will post some of those in a few days.

Monday, May 6, 2013


One thing I think we will have plenty of this year is meetings.  Although they are a pain, I really feel like group opinions and group decisions are a wonderful learning experience.  It is difficult to work with people on projects.  I have learned this many times over, and over, and over!  I have also found that most of the time others have much BETTER ideas than I do and almost ALWAYS better ways to carry those ideas through.  This is the case with the upcoming responsibilities of the Toquerville Royalty.  They have the opportunity to introduce themselves at the city council meeting this week and present an idea for fundraising.  Since Toquerville has no commercial businesses, the only income is from the property taxes and a couple other little things.  Needless to say the city has no budget for the float and the pageant.  We rely on the generosity of the wonderful citizens of our little town and area businesses.  We are very blessed to have so many understand the importance of and support this great Miss Toquerville program.  Over the past couple of weeks since Jessica was crowned we have had many say, "Don't let it go to her head." and "Watch out for her to change for the worst."  I was absolutely amazed at the smart people who said this.  If you have any questions about these pageants and reigning opportunities ask someone who is involved.  Don't just assume that because the only time you see the girls are in their poofy dresses and crowns that everything is done for them.  No sir!!!  There is so much work that goes into every aspect of serving your community for a year.  Yes, I said SERVE!  That is what this is all about.  The girls will serve their community in various degrees all year.  The Toquerville Royalty already have their July 4th celebration assignments.  They will get to help set up the morning breakfast, perform during the program, and provide all the games for the kids attending.  Then there is the Washington County Fair where they will represent our town by volunteering with registering food and crafts to be judged, the baby contest, ribbon cutting, parade, or many others.  The girls will get their assignments in June at the Fair Princess Tea.  Just between these two events the girls will spend between 75-100 hours of time.  Pretty glamorous huh!  This is one thing that I hope the people who stop for two seconds to read this blog will find out, this is one tough job to serve your community as the representing royalty.  But man what a job it is!  I hope Jessica will be able to learn to work with others, work hard, and mostly have fun!  She will have many opportunities to speak in public and be approached by strangers.  She had a little taste of that from the runners of the half marathon.  These skills will benefit her the rest of her life!  And so it is we will have more meetings and learn from each other and do what is required.  But, we will have so much fun in the process!