Saturday, April 27, 2013

Saturday, April 27, 2013 - Hurricane Half Marathon

The Toquerville Royalty had the opportunity to provide an aide station for the half marathon today.  We were called on last minute because the Hurricane Royalty were all busy with their day dates for prom.  It was fun having the first assignment.  I am not doing this for Jessica because I know that she will get out of this experience what she puts in and I will not stand in the way of that so she got all the supplies and took care of organizing us all.  Jessica is very willing to do what is needed and so excited to do whatever.  Ok- lets face it, wouldn't all of us love the opportunity to wear THAT crown as much as possible?  The girls were asked to pick up the supplies on Friday night and have the aide station set up by 6 AM this morning.  Jess and I were able to recruit her little brother Christian so us three left at 5:30.  MG met us there but AP and MP were out of town.  We missed those two.  It was quite chilly and a little scary as a cow was hit by a car on the main road a little before we passed.  There were still some cows out.  We got to the aide station location in front of the animal shelter no problem and begin settling up.  We froze but had fun talking and laughing before the runners made it to our location.  There was also a 5K and that was extremely hard trying to provide the much needed hydration to the courageous runners.  The marathon participants were very happy, (except the first runner who for some reason all three of us weren't holding the cups correctly).  We especially enjoyed cheering on the very last finisher.  It was his first marathon and the first one any member of his family had completed.  It was very rewarding to be part of something that takes so much commitment.  I personally do not know how any runners do it.  I could never.  They all definitely have my respect, that's you Leavitts.  We loved seeing some well known (and loved) teachers running such as Mr. Ence, Mr. Clay, and Coach Kidd-Thomas!  Congrats to all and hopefully you will get a glimpse of Jessica's feelings about it all soon.

MG is crazy!

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